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463 Results for:
Foreign Policy

I don’t think these messages are resonating much with Western countries anymore. There is growing realization that Xi’s language and vision for world order as expressed in his speeches doesn’t match up with China’s policies and actions.”

Trade, Economics, and Business

The importance of RCEP for China is primarily in strengthening the trend toward intraregional trade, with China as every country's number one or number two trading partner. RCEP also strengthens China's narrative that it is an active participant in multilateral trade deals, while the US is not.”

Translated from Chinese (Mandarin)
Authoritarian Interference Defense Cooperation Foreign Policy

That scenario is being debated quite a bit here in Washington. What’s going to happen if we have two theaters of war, two theaters of tension, at the same time? Can the United States handle that? Having moved to the US for a research project involving Russia, China, and the US, I see growing concern about the Russia-China relationship ramp-up in recent weeks.”

Foreign Policy

The risk of a PRC attack on Taiwan prior to the 20th Party Congress in the fall of 2022 is very low. Xi Jinping is unlikely to take such a risk that might put in jeopardy securing a third five-year term in power.”

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