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463 Results for:
Defense Cooperation

If Beijing lent stronger support to Moscow, that could create more tensions with the US, including a clearer democracy versus autocracy split.”

Foreign Policy

In 2008, China was still emerging as a global player. Now, it has the ambition to be a global superpower, but how much the Olympics are going to get them there, I’m personally a little skeptical.”

Defense Cooperation

[China had hoped for a government in Afghanistan that, although Taliban-dominated, could] tick enough boxes with the international community [to achieve diplomatic recognition.]”

Trade, Economics, and Business

If European companies pull out of Lithuania because of this Chinese coercion, then Beijing will have won and the lesson it will draw from this is that it can pressure European countries to tow its red lines.”

Defense Cooperation Foreign Policy

Letting this crisis fester is likely to have a bad outcome for Lithuanian interests, and perhaps for Taiwan’s as wel. The establishment of a new office and the rapid expansion of Lithuania-Taiwan ties is a big win for Taipei regardless of what they call the office. ”

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