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Defense Cooperation

The war is pretty much at a stalemate. Russia was hoping for a quick victory, basically a Blitzkrieg, a quick run to Kyiv with a hope to frankly decapitate the Ukrainian government in the first few days. They failed to do it and so the tactic and strategy has changed into a really grueling, grinding war.”

Defense Cooperation NATO

The question that NATO and the US face is how quickly they can shift from a posture that previously relied largely on deterring Russia through political engagement to a more robust military approach. US forces are still key, because NATO allies in the east see them as far more of a deterrent to Moscow than troops from other European countries and because Russia itself would see any move against NATO as more risky.”

Defense Cooperation

The biggest question is not how much public support there is [for Belarusian involvement], but how much room for manoeuvre Lukashenko has versus Putin, and how much he’s entirely a puppet. If he is, that would be the scenario where we could see Belarusian forces as part of Russian military.”

Defense Cooperation

Let's remember that in 1994 Russia already gave security guarantees through an agreement between Moscow and Kiev and today we see the result of those guarantees. Nobody trusts Russia. Whatever Russia signs has no value in guaranteeing Ukraine its security. If anyone can give them, it is the countries Ukraine trusts, which are the allies in Europe and the United States.”

Translated from Spanish
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