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463 Results for:
Foreign Policy

That’s the real lesson of Ukraine for Taiwan: You need civilians who know how to use a rifle. Taiwan could easily do something like that, but they haven’t.”

Trade, Economics, and Business

It is likely that China's major financial institutions with exposure to Western and other markets will adhere to sanction enforcement, at least when it comes to U.S. dollar transactions, out of fear of secondary sanctions.”

Defense Cooperation Foreign Policy

The current US measures against Moscow also have another goal, although the main purpose is of course to make Putin pay the price, but the secondary purpose is to warn China of the possible consequences of any military action against Taiwan.”

Translated from Chinese (Mandarin)

I think people underestimate how much China has supported Russia and its messaging. It's naive to think of China as a neutral mediator in this crisis.”

Translated from Chinese (Mandarin)
Defense Cooperation

What Taiwan is doing with the reservists is long overdue. I don't know how long it will take to apply this pilot program to the entire reserves and bring everybody up to that level. I think it's important that they are doing it.”

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