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Authoritarian Interference Domestic Politics and Society Global Implications of China's Rise

“It is widely believed that Xi has a very small inner circle of people that he consults, and on top of that is over confident and makes decisions based on his own instincts,” said Bonnie Glaser, managing director of the German Marshall Fund’s Indo-Pacific program. “Qin is his protege, and therefore this will necessarily reflect badly on Xi. However, that doesn’t mean that this episode will pose a challenge to his power,” she said.”

Authoritarian Interference Domestic Politics and Society Global Implications of China's Rise

""Die Tatsache, dass das System so intransparent ist, heißt, dass wir nach wie vor nicht wissen, warum Qin Gang abgesetzt wurde"", sagt Mareike Ohlberg. Sie ist China-Expertin beim US-Thinktank German Marshall Fund. ""Es kann sein, dass er wegen irgendwelcher Vorwürfe in Gewahrsam genommen wurde. Es ist aber auch schon mal vorgekommen, dass Personen wieder auftauchen und dann in einer anderen Position sind - entweder befördert, abgesetzt oder in einer niedrigeren Position. Wir wissen es einfach nicht"", so Ohlberg weiter. [...] Ob das politische System durch die Absetzung Qin Gangs Schaden nimmt, sei noch nicht absehbar, sagt China-Expertin Ohlberg: ""Wir wissen nicht, wie es sich auf Xi Jinping auswirkt oder auf andere mögliche angenommene Machtkämpfe hinter den Kulissen. Wir haben da extrem wenig Einblick. Wir können lange spekulieren und überlegen. Es könnte dies sein, es könnte das sein. Aber das Hauptproblem ist: Wir wissen es nicht.""”

Translated from German
Authoritarian Interference Domestic Politics and Society Global Implications of China's Rise

El fet que Qin passés per davant d'altres candidats amb més experiència, va ser vist com un senyal de confiança profunda de Xi. “Es creu àmpliament que Xi té un cercle intern molt petit de persones a qui consulta, i a més d'això, té massa confiança i pren decisions basades en els seus propis instints”, ha destacat Bonnie Glaser, directora gerent de German Marshall Fund's Indo- Programa Pacífic i recull la mateixa CNN.”

Translated from Spanish
Authoritarian Interference Domestic Politics and Society

Qin’s access was reportedly limited to only a few high-ranking US figures, according to Politico, so he pivoted to lower levels of government, travelling around the country. “The story from the embassy even as recently as early [2022] was that Qin Gang wasn’t being seen by US officials and he was therefore spending time at the sub-national level … going to visit mayors and governors,” Bonnie Glaser, the Asia programme director at the US-based German Marshall Fund, told Politico in November.”

Authoritarian Interference Domestic Politics and Society Global Implications of China's Rise

Bonnie Glaser, a China expert at the German Marshall Fund, said his absence would not affect US-China relations in the long term because the foreign minister implements, and does not set, foreign policy in the Chinese system. But she said it could have implications in the short term, noting that Blinken had invited Qin to visit Washington when they met in Beijing. “Obviously that is on ice until there is greater clarity about whether or when Qin is returning to his position. So that’s an obvious example of an impact on US-China relations,” said Glaser. “Wang Yi can only do the job of two people for so long.””

Authoritarian Interference Global Implications of China's Rise Security and Geopolitics

“FAU is aware that under these contracts CSC scholarship holders will be unable to fully exercise their academic freedom and freedom of expression as stipulated under German Basic Law,” the email said. Such wording in contracts “would be unthinkable in Germany, I don’t think you could have this kind of contract with any scholarship holder here”, Mareike Ohlberg, a senior fellow working on China at the German Marshall Fund think tank in Berlin, told University World News. “Some of the issues in the contract have caused some debate here in Germany. Universities have to ensure people can enjoy the rights they’re normally guaranteed in Germany, like anybody else, such as freedom of speech, freedom of expression,” she said. More German universities are expected to follow suit. But “it’s probably going to be a hard decision for most universities”, Ohlberg noted. [...] As indicated by FAU, the contract requires them to report back to the Chinese embassy on a regular basis, with violations of the conditions subject to disciplinary action. The contract also stipulated that they must return to China after their PhD and that the terms of the CSC contract only expired after two years of having returned home. According to Ohlberg, who has seen older versions of the CSC contract, if they are in breach, “[t]hey can technically be asked to repay the scholarship, plus some additional fee on top”. If the person breaks the contract, for example by staying abroad, and does not pay back the money, then the two people that are forced to remain in China would have to pay. “It also sends a political message, that also adds additional incentive and additional pressure on the person not to do anything that could be seen as breaking the contract,” Ohlberg said.”

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