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This coalition was really a choice — the parties wanted to do this, and work it out, and all had something to gain from doing it. It wasn’t, as in the past, a government of last resort.”


The bigger challenge is, of course, you know, managing the coalition. He has to make sure that he can keep sort of the young revolutionaries in check within his own party and make sure that this coalition of seemingly strange bedfellows stick together for the long haul to make sure that these goals are met in terms of modernizing Germany.”

Elections Trade, Economics, and Business

China is probably one of the main conflicting lines within the new government because, of course, Germany is a country that is exporting and importing [to China] a lot, and its relationship with China is essential for the economy – decoupling from China would be economically very bad for Germany.”


It’s undeniable that she’s given Germany a lot of soft power. Undoubtedly she’s elevated Germany’s image in the world. When she first came onto the scene in 2005, a lot of people underestimated her, but she grew in stature along with Germany’s role in the world.”

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