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This is a generational change after 16 years of one person in power, I think for that reason alone, Germans are very unsure about who would be the proper successor to Angela Merkel.”


"[Angela Merkel] has left a very fragmented political landscape in Germany, so it looks like it's going to take three parties to form a majority for the next government. So the small parties, the Greens and the FDP, are sort of banding together to call the shots for the next government.”


The Greens can be happy that they've improved in terms of results since the last election cycle, but they definitely did not fulfill expectations. Baerbock didn't meet the moment. At one point, the party was leading the pack, there were far greater expectations for them.”


This so-called 'traffic light' coalition would be the first three-party alliance in the country’s history, and already has 'some conflict lines written in the sand.'”


It’s so unprecedented that it’s not even clear who talks with whom on whose invitation about what, because the Constitution does not have guardrails for a situation like that... [Merkel] was the steady hand at the helm, the steady presence.”

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