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Germans prefer continuity, but if nothing changes it is understood that the country will lose its competitive advantage and ultimately its reputation as an economic powerhouse. This new three-way coalition is novel and aims to usher in transformation within Germany on many fronts whether it be weaning itself off coal by 2030 or investing in digital infrastructure.”


But with so many fires burning on the international stage and some structural geopolitical shifts underway, circumstances — and his more hawkish coalition partners — might force [Olaf Scholz]’s hand. ”

Foreign Policy

China has limited means to coerce Lithuania economically. It could attempt to expand the pressure it extends towards the EU as a whole…but the risks of that backfiring are enormous, particularly given the deterioration in China-EU ties in recent years. ”

Translated from Chinese (Mandarin)
Foreign Policy

I’m really not sure if Beijing’s bottom line is simply that Tsai not be allowed to participate. But she won’t be invited, so maybe they can tell their domestic audience that the U.S. backed down in the face of Chinese pressure.”

Domestic Politics and Society Elections

[Olaf Schultz] comes across as calm, measured, steady... The SPD leadership are mostly leftist leaning and initially didn't support him. So we don't know yet who he will gather around him and who will influence his leadership style.”

Authoritarian Interference Domestic Politics and Society

The email’s wording and tone were decidedly more 'creepy and eerie' than reassuring... the attempt to portray a 'cutesy' Peng is as creepy as the purported email given its similarity in method to other 'proof of life' photos and videos to ascertain the wellbeing of persecuted individuals like Uyghurs and dissidents.”

Foreign Policy

These patrols have multiple objectives, including testing Taiwan’s responses, training PRC pilots, sending warning signals to Taiwan’s government, and stoking nationalism at home. ”

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