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It’s undeniable that she’s given Germany a lot of soft power. Undoubtedly she’s elevated Germany’s image in the world. When she first came onto the scene in 2005, a lot of people underestimated her, but she grew in stature along with Germany’s role in the world.”

Elections Trade, Economics, and Business

China is probably one of the main conflicting lines within the new government because, of course, Germany is a country that is exporting and importing [to China] a lot, and its relationship with China is essential for the economy – decoupling from China would be economically very bad for Germany.”

For the first eight months, the Chinese just refused to engage. They hoped that there would be a return to Obama-era policies.”

Authoritarian Interference Domestic Politics and Society

The Polish government is reluctant to join any EU-wide populist group because they could lose influence within the European Parliament, given that they are the largest party within their current European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group... While the Identity and Democracy [far-right grouping] and its member parties are largely isolated in the European Parliament, the ECR Group and especially Law and Justice isn't. They have rapporteurs and shadow rapporteurs in the European Parliament...and also a committee presidency.”

Authoritarian Interference Democratic Decline Disinformation

If this occurred in any of the countries where the United States provides aid, it would immediately be called out as a threat to democracy. U.S. diplomats would be writing furious cables, and decision makers would be threatening to cut off the flow of assistance.”

Foreign Policy

In previous years, the German government's China policy has already been determined in the Chancellor's Office. The Chinese leadership will now rely on Baerbock and the Foreign Office to show restraint.”

Translated from German
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