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Foreign Policy

Ever since the Zeitenwende speech it has just been a series of mishaps. Lots has been promised but when you look at what has actually been delivered it is underwhelming and we’re coming up to the six-month-anniversary of the war. There is a lack of communication skills and a lot of hesitancy.”

Authoritarian Interference Democracy

Russia uses direct lies to justify its behavior. So, if they can draw false parallels between Georgia and Ukraine and present themselves as victims, as if Georgia and Ukraine are the aggressors towards them, they will do so.”


[Russian propaganda] used Pelosi's trip to paint the United States as an aggressive and reckless power and they framed China as a victim that was justified in safeguarding its interests.”


Russia's ability to promote its disinformation has gone unchecked in many parts of the world. Its audience [in Europe] may have dwindled since the war began. But that does not mean it's not finding an audience elsewhere.”

Defense Cooperation

If Russia undertakes any action that will result in the collapse of the agreement, it would be a blow to their public global image. This is just a show of a lack of goodwill on the part of Russia. There’s nothing in the agreement that would prevent Russia from doing this.”

Climate Change Defense Cooperation

Russia's war against Ukraine has already put the fight against climate change on the back burner. If you look at Germany, for example, the economics minister Robert Habeck just had to recently announce more use of coal to power the German economy since the natural gas from Russia is being weaponized.”

Defense Cooperation

As Ukraine and Russia are major suppliers of grain and nutrient oils to world markets, global food prices will be contained and famine will be avoided in developing countries. The UN has demonstrated its capacity to find solutions to humanitarian crises during wartime.”

Showing 162 of 543 Results