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Cybersecurity Elections

[Political campaigns are] probably some of the least-equipped institutions in our society to prioritize cyberthreats because of the incentive structures that they face being short-term organizations, where the risk-benefit calculus … doesn't often come out in favor of creating more protections,”


We have this hyper polarized environment where people are going to take mistakes, [and others] will try to use them to say the whole election is illegitimate.”


We have a tendency to solve problems only after they emerge, not ahead of time. But this is the moment, if we ever need to be very forward-thinking of the things that could go wrong in our elections and bolster them, now is the time.”

Elections Technology and Democracy

History has demonstrated that people have already made up their minds when things happen too close to the election. But the midterm elections are far enough away that the public opinion benefits of this legislation may have some time to settle in.”

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