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463 Results for:

I support the administration’s approach, which is to really focus on doing things that meaningfully strengthen Taiwan’s security.”

Foreign Policy

Cooperation on climate change, global public health, and even narcotics trafficking has stalled. Beijing has either set unworkable preconditions or suspended talks due to U.S. policies toward Taiwan.”

Foreign Policy

The United States doesn’t know Lai as well as we knew Tsai when she ran for president because he hasn’t been in any notable national positions before premier and VP.”

Foreign Policy

The new leadership at the head of [China's] MFA is dialing down, but not entirely abandoning, the wolf warrior rhetoric.”

Translated from Chinese (Mandarin)
Foreign Policy

If they treat Russia as an equal -- even if they don't think they are -- then this will pay dividends for China, and that's been a growing part of how Xi has approached this entire relationship.”

Emerging Technologies Technology and Democracy

Say a handful of American voters in a particular state watches or is engaged by a particular type of content. Then it’s way easier to capture your attention. If they do then decide to put political messages [in your For You page] or amplify certain political content, they know what grabs you.”

Showing 153 of 463 Results