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Trade, Economics, and Business

[This] marked the first serious effort from the European side to put packages together and figure out financing mechanisms, so countries considering taking loans from China have an alternative option.”

Trade, Economics, and Business

The Commission seems to be missing someone who can cut through the Brussels turf wars and produce a strategic document that isn't just a compilation of tired EU buzzwords. It shows that there is still a deep-seated institutional reluctance to tackle the challenges posed by China head on.”

Translated from German
Elections Trade, Economics, and Business

Beijing has no interest in cutting ties overnight, but the gradual aim is to become less dependent on foreign countries while keeping them partly reliant on the Chinese market. Germany would be well served by recognizing that and acting accordingly.”

Trade, Economics, and Business

Twenty years ago, no one would have expected that Japan would be promoting free trade without pressure from the United States.”

Translated from Japanese
Foreign Policy Trade, Economics, and Business

Kishida’s hope is that economic growth and wealth redistribution will interact in a virtuous cycle, but some are concerned that he will prioritize redistribution and end up stymieing growth in the process.”

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