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Trade, Economics, and Business

There was a high level of concern within the Tsai administration that this pork referendum would pass. [If the pork import ban had been approved by Taiwan’s voters,] it just would have been very consequential for the U.S.-Taiwan trade relationship.”

Trade, Economics, and Business

We got this scientific miracle. We had a vaccine that was available six to nine months earlier than anybody had really believed in 2020...What that meant was that the second half of 2021 saw basically a general reopening in all of the advanced economies, and that certainly was a massive positive surprise.”

Elections Trade, Economics, and Business

China is probably one of the main conflicting lines within the new government because, of course, Germany is a country that is exporting and importing [to China] a lot, and its relationship with China is essential for the economy – decoupling from China would be economically very bad for Germany.”

Trade, Economics, and Business

This ushers in a more competitive era in development aid. The recipient countries will now have an alternative to Chinese money. It is up to the EU to prove that its aid is better. ”

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