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Authoritarian Interference Defense Cooperation NATO

Leaders need to talk. The assessment of this move depends on the message Scholz is going to deliver to Putin. And Scholz must make clear to him that he is serious, ready to impose substantial costs on Russia for further aggression against Ukraine.”

Authoritarian Interference Defense Cooperation Foreign Policy

That scenario is being debated quite a bit here in Washington. What’s going to happen if we have two theaters of war, two theaters of tension, at the same time? Can the United States handle that? Having moved to the US for a research project involving Russia, China, and the US, I see growing concern about the Russia-China relationship ramp-up in recent weeks.”

Authoritarian Interference Democratic Decline

That is exactly why the Summit for Democracy is so important. We need to keep in mind that autocrats are having their own summits. They're exchanging lessons learned along with surveillance technology and other methods of coercion. So we really have a job ahead of us to defend our democracies.”

Authoritarian Interference Democratic Decline

The Chinese campaign to pry countries away from Taiwan was starting to backfire because it was making other nations, such as U.S. allies Japan and Australia, more supportive of efforts to boost Taipei’s security. Taiwan’s isolation isn’t in the interests of the EU, Japan, Australia and many other countries, so they may take steps to strengthen their ties with Taiwan.”

Authoritarian Interference Foreign Policy

It seems that the [US] administration is coming to the conclusion that the threat from Russia and the threat of what could happen in Ukraine has a profound impact on the national security of the United States and the transatlantic community, in fact, on global security. And I think we're on the verge of a much more powerful response from the West than previously thought.”

Translated from Russian
Authoritarian Interference Domestic Politics and Society

The Polish government is reluctant to join any EU-wide populist group because they could lose influence within the European Parliament, given that they are the largest party within their current European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group... While the Identity and Democracy [far-right grouping] and its member parties are largely isolated in the European Parliament, the ECR Group and especially Law and Justice isn't. They have rapporteurs and shadow rapporteurs in the European Parliament...and also a committee presidency.”

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