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Defense Cooperation Trade, Economics, and Business

[Sanctions against Russia] show that it is a politically difficult problem in Germany. If Scholz failed to collaborate with his allies, the crisis would deepen and Germany's leadership would decline.”

Translated from Japanese
Authoritarian Interference Defense Cooperation Trade, Economics, and Business

Now all of these economic relationships are becoming geopolitically problematic and [Germany has to] revise its attitude toward Russia and China. That's a big, big process of reorientation. It takes a lot of time. [Former Chancellor Angela] Merkel was unwilling at the end to do it, even if she was tough on Russia from time to time. But she didn't really change this overall relationship. So I think this realization that we have to accept tensions with Russia, that's the big challenge for the Germans, for the German mentality.”

Trade, Economics, and Business

If European companies pull out of Lithuania because of this Chinese coercion, then Beijing will have won and the lesson it will draw from this is that it can pressure European countries to tow its red lines.”

Trade, Economics, and Business

The importance of RCEP for China is primarily in strengthening the trend toward intraregional trade, with China as every country's number one or number two trading partner. RCEP also strengthens China's narrative that it is an active participant in multilateral trade deals, while the US is not.”

Translated from Chinese (Mandarin)
Trade, Economics, and Business

I find it hard to believe Moscow would want full rapprochement between Turkey and Armenia. If the border came down, if there was more inter-dependence in the region and stability, then there would be less dependence on Russia.”

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