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Climate Change Foreign Policy Trade, Economics, and Business

There’s nothing anywhere else in the world like Germany’s Green Party. A rabid antipathy to all things nuclear is embedded in the Greens’ DNA. ... Still, with war crimes splashed across international news sites, surely Germany would revisit its plans to shutter the remaining plants.”

Foreign Policy

The shock of Putin’s war has turned the geopolitical times for Germany. Prior to the invasion, Berlin was unique in the West for having a strategic logic still shaped primarily by the lessons of the First World War.”

Defense Cooperation NATO

It would have been hard to imagine Germany doing these things and saying these things even two months prior. But what was a significant shift for Germany wasn’t necessarily enough for the rest of the trans-Atlantic community.”

Defense Cooperation Foreign Policy

Europe didn’t go wrong, Germany and France did. France and Germany tend to speak for the rest of Europe. But these miss-assessments were made in Paris and Berlin, not elsewhere. Eastern Europe didn’t go wrong, northern Europe didn’t go wrong. Not only is the post-Cold War order crumbling in front of our eyes, so are the strategies deployed by Germany and France.”

Foreign Policy Trade, Economics, and Business

Chancellor Scholz, in my opinion, made a terrible strategic move by ruling out energy sanctions because he basically invited this action by Putin. Now, either he’s going to have to break existing sanctions [by dealing in Russian currency] or he’s going to have to do what he didn’t want to do before, namely, stop – or de facto stop – energy exports. Putin is basically forcing Germany to choose between potentially getting no gas or breaking the sanctions.”

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