Brussels Forum 2018:

Refugee(s) in Crisis: A Conversation

March 09, 2018
1 min read
Over 65 million people are currently forcibly displaced worldwide. 22 million are officially recognized refugees outside of their home country.

New drivers of displacement such as climate change mean this record number is likely to grow. And yet, as the refugee crises of 2015 showed, the current international system is ill-equipped to deal with the challenge. People seeking protection beyond their own borders, are increasingly stuck in protracted or situations while seeking increasingly dangerous routes. Anti-migrant sentiments in many societies are rising.

Changes are needed on the international level to resolve this growing crisis. What role will resettlement, external processing, or special economic zones play? And how can the private sector and civil society be engaged in new and more productive ways? What can be done in conflict countries to prevent further mass migration?