Out of Order - System Failure: The U.S.-Turkey Feud and What’s Next for the S-400 and F-35s

May 10, 2019
1 min read
Photo Credit: Free Wind 2014 / Shutterstock

Ankara and Washington are locked in a game of chicken. With Turkey refusing to budge over its purchase of the NATO-incompatible S-400 missile defense system from Russia, the U.S. is upping the stakes with the threat of sanctions and ejection from the lucrative F-35 fighter jet program. The implications of this could be far reaching not just for Turkey and the U.S., but could shift the geopolitical balance in far-reaching ways.  

Does this mark a new low in an already volatile relationship? And is there a way to turn the feud around?  This week, Out of Order digs in on what is going on in Turkey, from S-400’s to President Erdogan’s domestic political gamble, with GMF’s Ankara office director Ozgur Unluhisarcikli and VP of Foreign Policy Ian Lesser.

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