MMF Visits Marseilles for First Time in Decade

Kristel Ba
2 min read
On October 17, 2016, the Fall 2017 cohort of Marshall Memorial Fellows (MMF) began their fellowship program in Washington, DC.  From there the Europeans split between nine different American states, while the Americans departed for nine

On October 17, 2016, the Fall 2017 cohort of Marshall Memorial Fellows (MMF) began their fellowship program in Washington, DC.  From there the Europeans split between nine different American states, while the Americans departed for nine European countries. Follow the Fellows’ reflections, experiences and encounters in real time on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

This year, The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) is pleased to announce that after a decade, the Marshall Memorial Fellowship is back in Marseille, France. As Europe debates its track record and future policies on diversity and inclusion, the diverse port of Marseille provides a fascinating backdrop for understanding Europe today.  The American fellows will be in the city from October 31 to November 4 and will meet with public, corporate, and NGO leaders to explore Marseille’s “urban face-lift”, innovative projects, and initiatives for strengthening social cohesion. Fellows will visit key leaders such as  Pierre Distinguin, Director for strategy and development, Provence Promotion;  Tarik Ghezali, Head of Marseille Solutions MMF ’13; Nassurdine Haidari, Author and President of Representative Council of France's Black Associations of PACA Region; Peter Rawls, Investor Relations Project Manager, EuroMediterrannée , and  Laurent Nuñez, Police Commissionner, Bouches du Rhône.

The Marshall Memorial Fellowship is GMF’s flagship leadership development program. Created in 1982 to introduce a new generation of European leaders to the United States, it now prepares leaders from both sides of the Atlantic for transatlantic relations. The program relies on 6 months of distance learning and 24 days of first-hand experience to facilitate knowledge and network development for effective transatlantic engagement. GMF awards 75 Marshall Memorial Fellowships each year to candidates from all sectors. The MMF alumni network numbers more than 2,500 leaders. Their transatlantic engagement continues throughout their careers with GMF alumni projects, seminars, and major events.

The fall cohort of U.S. and European Marshall Memorial Fellows is currently traveling on 24 days of policy immersion across the Atlantic. Find out if they will visit a city in your region and register your interest to nominate