National Interest
Liking Ike
June 22, 2018
1 min read
Photo Credit: Nicole S Glass / Shutterstock
Last October, nearly two decades after Congress ordered work to begin, construction finally got underway on a $150 million memorial located just off the National Mall in Washington, DC to honor Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Last October, nearly two decades after Congress ordered work to begin, construction finally got underway on a $150 million memorial located just off the National Mall in Washington, DC to honor Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Developed by the renowned architect Frank Gehry, the monument had been the subject of a protracted battle—one that lasted far longer than the thirty-fourth president’s two terms in office. Critics worried about its cost and size, traditionalists scoffed at its unorthodox design and Eisenhower’s descendants claimed it was too modest, failing to evoke the glories of Ike’s military and political career.