Hindustan Times

Jerusalem Embassy: A Boost for Israel, but Isolation for the United States

December 14, 2017
1 min read
Photo Credit: Kevin Nellies / Shutterstock
In 2005, as India’s ambassador to Israel, I presented my credentials, like my predecessors and successors, to the President of Israel in Jerusalem, where the bulk of Israel’s government, parliament and judiciary is located.

In 2005, as India’s ambassador to Israel, I presented my credentials, like my predecessors and successors, to the President of Israel in Jerusalem, where the bulk of Israel’s government, parliament and judiciary is located. For most official meetings, I had to travel from Tel Aviv, where our embassy is located, to Jerusalem and back. Visiting Indian officials would often, for convenience, stay in Jerusalem, as did Prime Minister Narendra Modi, during his visit in July.

All other countries, which have diplomatic relations with Israel, follow the same practice. Many avoid having meetings with Israeli officials in East Jerusalem. Many, similarly, resist or avoid mentioning Jerusalem in joint statements with Israel.