How Are Countries Reporting on the U.S. Election?

GMF Experts
2 min read
Photo Credit: Ron Adar / Shutterstock
How is the U.S. election being reported from around the world? Scroll to see our collection of front page headlines collected by GMF staff and experts. 
Belgium | “Biden, Trump, or chaos?”

How is the U.S. election being reported from around the world? Scroll to see our collection of front page headlines collected by GMF staff and experts. 

Belgium | “Biden, Trump, or chaos?”


Sweden | "Regardless of who becomes The United States' next President divisions in the country will remain."


United States | "Nation on the Edge" 


United States | "Swing States Are Tight"


United Kingdom | "Democrats defiant over Trump threats to challenge postal votes"


Russia | "Trump or Biden: Who is Better for Us?"


United States | "The Nation Waits"


Germany | "America prepares for riots"


Italy | "Trump Holds, Key States in Balance"

Italy | "Turnout Says Biden But Trump is Fighting Back"


Italy | "The Vote of Discord"


Italy | "Referendum Over America"


Germany | "Trump Demands Victory" 


Germany | "What Counts," "America's Ordeal" 


Germany | “The Great Tremor – Last night Donald Trump declares himself the winner, Joe Biden believes he can still win. For the loser and his supporter a world will collapse”


Germany | “The President declares himself the winner – yet Biden is catching up”


Germany | "Trump and Biden are head-to-head – After the U.S. Presidential elections the count in key states continues. The President claims the win for himself.”


United States | "Election Night Begins With Predictable Wins"


Ireland | "America Divided"


Germany | "Head-to-head Race for Democracy"


United Kingdom | "U.S. Election on a Knife Edge"


United States | "Closing In" 


Netherlands | "Elections battle: Biden creeps to victory, Trump isn't done yet"


Italy | "Referendum on America"


France | "Trump-Biden: The U.S. Tearing Apart"


Belguim | "Heading confidently towards the finish"


Ireland | "Victory for Biden—and Democracy" 


Ireland | "Sleepy Joe Wakes Up America"


United States | "Finally, Biden"


Belgium | "Biden wins but this is only the beginning" | "Biden sets record for most popular votes ever," "Finally President" | "A President to unify the Nation"


Poland | "Arsonist"


Germany |  "Who is going to tell him?"


Germany | "Biden likes to reconcile the Americans."  


Germany | "In between dreams and reality"


Poland | "Biden Wins, Trumpism Remains"