Helmut Schmidt Fellowship 2021 Awarded to Scott Cullinane
WASHINGTON, DC/BERLIN – The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) and the ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius have awarded the Helmut Schmidt Fellowship 2021 to the foreign policy and transatlantic expert Mr. Scott Cullinane. This prestigious position commemorates the life, service, and legacy of global statesman Helmut Schmidt by supporting the work of a person who has shown excellence in the academic and policy spheres through commitment to advancing the transatlantic relationship and European integration.
Cullinane is the executive director and co-founder of the U.S.-Europe Alliance, a non-profit, public advocacy foundation that is dedicated to educating and mobilizing Americans to advocate for the transatlantic alliance. He is also a visiting fellow at the National Security Institute at George Mason University’s Antonin Scalia Law School.
Prior to founding the U.S.-Europe Alliance, Cullinane worked as a congressional staff member on the House Committee for Foreign Affairs. His work for the Subcommittee for Europe, Eurasia, and Emerging Threats at the time focused on issues extremely relevant to today’s transatlantic relationship, such as European energy security and European defense planning. Cullinane has extensive experience in policy and legislative initiatives, contributing to major initiatives such as the National Defense Authorization Act and 2013 State Department Authorization Act.
Cullinane has an MA in statecraft and national security from the Institute of World Politics and a BA in history from Saint Mary’s College of California.
Cullinane will be joining GMF in Berlin from October 2021 to February 2022. During his Helmut Schmidt Fellowship, Cullinane will research Germany’s economic and political relationship with Visegrád countries and ask whether insights into this relationship could create better informed U.S. policy as well as opportunities for U.S.-German cooperation. Cullinane intends to examine these issues through a transatlantic lens, focusing on the role of German trade and manufacturing in the German-Visegrád relationship.
GMF strengthens transatlantic cooperate on regional, national, and global challenges and opportunities in the spirit of the Marshall Plan. As a transatlantic public policy institute, it contributes research and analysis and convenes leaders on transatlantic issues relevant to policymakers. GMF offers rising leaders the opportunity to develop their skills and networks through transatlantic exchange, and it supports civil society in the Balkans and Black Sea regions by fostering democratic initiatives, rule of law, and regional cooperation.
The ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius is inspired by Hamburg's liberal spirit and Gerd Bucerius' open-minded way of thinking. The foundation supports research and scholarship, art and culture, as well as education and training. It also initiates debates on political and social topics and provides forums for digital development. The scholarship program Beyond Borders contributes to humanities and social sciences and focuses on borders and boundaries in past and present times. The Free Media Awards support independent media and courageous journalists in Eastern Europe. At the Bucerius Summer School on Global Governance, the ZEIT-Stiftung brings together young leaders from a variety of fields to address key issues in global governance. Read more at www.zeit-stiftung.de.