
GMF’s Policy on Compensating Trainees (Internships)

May 02, 2022
1 min read

WASHINGTON—The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) has established a policy for compensation of all internships. Starting with summer internships at GMF’s headquarters in Washington, DC, trainees will be paid $15.20 per hour. Trainees in GMF’s European offices will be compensated according to local market rates. In some cases, internships arranged through educational institutions for college credit may be exempt from this policy.

GMF has compensated all trainees since 2019. This policy establishes a uniform approach to ensure equity among internships across programs. GMF sees compensation of trainees as an important part of making opportunities available to emerging professionals from diverse backgrounds and is committed to continuing to review and update compensation policies in keeping with our commitments to diversity, equity, and inclusion.