Washington, DC

German Marshall Fund Mourns Passing of Former Board Member Representative Ellen O. Tauscher

May 01, 2019
1 min read
The German Marshall Fund of the United States mourns the passing of Representative Ellen O. Tauscher,  a former GMF Trustee.

The German Marshall Fund of the United States mourns the passing of Representative Ellen O. Tauscher,  a former GMF Trustee. Over a career that included service in the State Department as well as the House of Representatives, Tauscher was an important voice in foreign relations.

“Representative Tauscher knew the importance of allies,” said GMF Director of Congressional Affairs and Senior Fellow Reta Jo Lewis. “She was widely respected on both sides of the Atlantic not just for her trailblazing contributions on defense and disarmament, but for her exemplary leadership style.”

While in the House, Tauscher served on the United States House Committee on Armed Services. She was appointed by President Barack Obama to the role of Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Affairs and later Special Envoy for Strategic Stability and Missile Defense.

In addition to her role on GMF’s board, Tauscher spoke at GMF’s Brussels Forum in 2009 and 2012. Her commitment to the transatlantic relationship forms an important part of her legacy and GMF mourns her loss.