German Marshall Fund Mourns Passing of Former Board Member Ashton B. Carter

October 26, 2022
2 min read

WASHINGTON — The German Marshall Fund of the United States mourns the sudden passing of former Secretary of Defense Ash Carter, a former GMF Trustee, yet celebrates his extraordinary life as a dedicated public servant who inspired and shaped a generation of national security professionals and leaders as an academic, theoretical physicist, and strategic advisor.

Over the course of his distinguished career, Carter helped redefine American defense policy and transatlantic security.  As Secretary of Defense, he bridged technological innovation and global affairs to address challenges in the United States and internationally. He opened all military jobs to women, removing barriers to key combat roles.  He was also a problem-solver.  One of his proudest achievements at the Department of Defense was the rapid production and deployment of Mine Resistant Ambush Protected vehicles to Iraq and Afghanistan, saving thousands of servicemembers’ lives.

“Secretary Carter was a tireless advocate for strengthening U.S. national security through innovation, arms control and our alliance structures. The United States is better prepared to meet today’s security challenges due to his foresight, focus and engagement,” said Heather A. Conley, President of GMF. “We send our heartfelt sympathies to Secretary Carter’s family, his friends and students, and those in the transatlantic security community who worked with him to achieve a more peaceful and secure international system.”


The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) is a non-partisan policy organization committed to the idea that the United States and Europe are stronger together. GMF champions the principles of democracy, human rights, and international cooperation, which have served as the bedrock of peace and prosperity since the end of World War II but are under increasing strain. GMF works on issues critical to transatlantic interests in the 21st century, including the future of democracy, security and geopolitics, alliances and the rise of China, and technology and innovation. By drawing on and fostering a community of people with diverse life experiences and political perspectives, GMF pursues its mission by driving the policy debate, fortifying civil society, and cultivating the next generation of leaders on both sides of the Atlantic.
