Washington, DC

Dan Twining Takes on Presidency of IRI; Jamie Fly to Lead GMF’s Work on the Future of Geopolitics and the Asia Program

September 05, 2017
2 min read
WASHINGTON - The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) congratulates Daniel Twining, former GMF counselor and Asia program director, on assuming the presidency of the International Republican Institute (IRI) and announces Jamie

WASHINGTON - The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) congratulates Daniel Twining, former GMF counselor and Asia program director, on assuming the presidency of the International Republican Institute (IRI) and announces Jamie Fly’s new role directing GMF’s work on the Future of Geopolitics and the Asia Program. 

Fly joined GMF in May after having served as counselor for Foreign and National Security Affairs to Senator Marco Rubio since February 2013. From 2009 to 2013, Fly was the founding executive director of the Foreign Policy Initiative, a policy institute focused on promoting U.S. international engagement. During the George W. Bush administration, he served as a director at the National Security Council and in the Office of the Secretary of Defense working on non-proliferation issues. He has also worked at the World Bank and the Council on Foreign Relations.

“I am deeply grateful to Dan for his many significant contributions to GMF over his eight years with us.  Congratulations to both him and IRI,” said GMF President Karen Donfried. “I am delighted to have Jamie Fly leading GMF’s work on Asia and geopolitics going forward. His impressive knowledge of foreign and security policy with regard to the United States, Asia, and Europe make him an ideal successor to Dan.”

Fly will lead GMF’s work on the Future of Geopolitics, including the Liberal International Order and Understanding America, which focuses on the transatlantic implications of the domestic debates underway in the United States about the America’s role in the world. He will direct the Asia Program with the assistance of GMF Senior Transatlantic Fellow Andrew Small and Deputy Director Sharon Stirling. Fly will continue to co-lead the Alliance for Securing Democracy, which is developing strategies to counter threats to transatlantic democracies, with GMF Senior Fellow Laura Rosenberger.

GMF’s Asia work, which was started in 2006, now involves a 15-member team working on the rise of Asia and its implications for the West through a program of convening and research spanning East, South, and Southeast Asia. Initiatives include Stockholm China Forum, India Trilateral Forum, Trilateral Forum Tokyo, Japan Trilateral Forum Brussels, Southeast Asia Trilateral Forum, Young Strategists Forum and research on topics ranging from Asia and the liberal international order to China’s Belt and Road initiative. The team of experts includes Andrew Small, Sharon Stirling, Janka Oertel, Arun Singh, Joshua Walker, Amy Studdart, Aaron Friedberg, Volker Stanzel, Sarah Raine, Rod Hunter, and Minxin Pei.