Competing With China in Africa: Strategic Suggestions on the EU Global Gateway

September 30, 2024
Gunnar Wiegand
D. A. Foretia
J. C. Kouam
R. Nantchouang
C. Soong
A. Vasselier
1 min read
Anton Balazh /
Europe's future in geopolitics relies on the quality of its partnerships, especially on the African continent.

One of the EU's major new instruments to join forces with partners through investment in the Global South is the EU Global Gateway Initiative, which sends a new geostrategic message: it seeks to provide an alternative to China's Belt-and-Road Initiative. As we speak, the European Commission is setting itself up to set priorities for new term, 2025-2029. 

The study provides concrete strategic suggestions on the implementation of the EU Global Gateway and comments on its challenges and prospects for long-term success, incorporating Chinese and African perceptions of its performance so far. The impact assessment and policy recommendations presented in this study intend to help make Global Gateway more geopolitically powerful.

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This report was originally published by Friedrich Naumann Foundation