Media Advisory

Brussels Forum 2022 to Take Place June 27-29

June 20, 2022

Brussels (June 20, 2022)—On June 27-29, the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) will host the 17th annual Brussels Forum, its flagship conference that brings together transatlantic leaders and decision-makers from both sides of the Atlantic to find solutions for the most critical challenges facing our democracies across the globe.

With the war in Ukraine still underway and societies across the globe still grappling with the pandemic, this year’s Brussels Forum will address the most pressing issues facing the world and the transatlantic alliance: the war in Ukraine and the future of the liberal international order, a Marshall Plan for Ukraine and Eastern Europe, climate change and cooperation, re-establishing Europe’s ruptured security environment, today’s food and climate insecurity, global technology policies, and the role of cities in fortifying democracy. On June 29th, Brussels Forum will join the NATO Summit in Madrid.

This year’s conference, which will take place against the backdrop of the 75th anniversary of the Marshall Plan, will be back with in-person discussions and networking opportunities after two virtual years due to the ongoing pandemic. Due to safety and health protocols in place, seats will be allocated on an invite-only basis. In addition to these in-person components, the conference will also feature various virtual and hybrid formats, including from the NATO Summit. All main sessions will be live streamed and accessible via our event platform. You can register for the event via this link.

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Alexander De Croo – Prime Minister, Belgium
  • Carl Bildt - Co-Chair, European Council on Foreign Relations
  • Reinhard Bütikofer – Member, European Parliament
  • Steven Cohen – U.S. House of Representatives, Tennessee
  • Jim Costa – U.S. House of Representatives, California
  • Ted Deutch – U.S. House of Representatives, Florida
  • Timothy Garton Ash – Professor of European Studies, Oxford University
  • Mircea Geoană – Deputy Secretary General, NATO
  • Mark Gitenstein – U.S. Ambassador to the European Union
  • Eva Kaili – Member, European Parliament
  • Mária Kolíková - Minister of Justice, Slovakia
  • Manuel Lafont-Rapnouil – Head of Policy Planning, France
  • Sergey Lagodinsky – Member, European Parliament
  • Ricarda Lang - Member, German Bundestag and Co-Leader Alliance 90 / Greens (virtual)
  • David McAllister – Member, European Parliament
  • Michael McFaul – Former United States Ambassador to Russia
  • Roberta Metsola – President, European Parliament
  • Chris Murphy – U.S. Senator, Connecticut
  • Artis Pabriks – Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister, Latvia
  • Odile Renaud-Basso, President, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
  • James Risch, U.S. Senator, Idaho
  • Olga Stefanishyna - Deputy Prime Minister, European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine, Ukraine (virtual)
  • Jens Stoltenberg – Secretary General, NATO (virtual)
  • Frans Timmermans – Executive Vice President, European Commission
  • Rafał Trzaskowski – Mayor, City of Warsaw, Poland
  • Darren Woods - Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Exxon Mobil
  • Joseph Wu – Minister of Foreign Affairs, Taiwan (virtual)


Resources and Assets:

  • Livestream: All Main sessions will be live streamed at
  • Transcripts, Videos, Photos: Selected transcripts, photos, and video files will be available upon request. Please be in touch directly for further information.

Media Relations Contacts (by office):


About The German Marshall Fund

The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) is a non-partisan policy organization committed to the idea that the United States and Europe are stronger together. GMF champions the principles of democracy, human rights, and international cooperation, which have served as the bedrock of peace and prosperity since the end of World War II, but are under increasing strain.

GMF works on issues critical to transatlantic interests in the 21st century, including the future of democracy, security and geopolitics, alliances and the rise of China, and technology and innovation. By drawing on and fostering a community of people with diverse life experiences and political perspectives, GMF pursues its mission by driving the policy debate through cutting-edge analysis and convening, fortifying civil society, and cultivating the next generation of leaders on both sides of the Atlantic.

Founded by Guido Goldman (November 4, 1937 – November 30, 2020) in 1972 through a gift from Germany as a tribute to the Marshall Plan, GMF is headquartered in Washington, DC, with offices in Berlin, Brussels, Ankara, Belgrade, Bucharest, Paris, and Warsaw.