Brussels Forum 2017: You Weighed In: Transatlantic Thought Leader Survey | Plenary 2: Does the World Want to Be Connected?

1 min read

You Weighed In: Transatlantic Thought Leader Survey

  • Mr. Richard Lui, Anchor, MSNBC
  • Mr. Bruce Stokes, Director, Global Economic Attitudes, Pew Research Center 

Plenary 2 - Does the World Want to Be Connected?

Part 1: The Economy

  • Mr. Iain Conn, CEO, Centrica 
  • The Hon. Marietje Schaake, Member, European Parliament   
  • Mr. Michael Stumo, CEO, Coalition for a Prosperous America  
  • Moderator: Mr. Max Hofmann, European Correspondent, Deutsche Welle                                                 

Part 2: Ideas, Identities, and Interconnectivity

  • Mr. Dex Torricke-Barton, Non-Resident Fellow, The German Marshall Fund of the United States         
  • Mr. Ted Howard, President and Co-Founder, Democracy Collaborative
  • Elizabeth Collett, Director, Migration Policy Institute Europe
  • Moderator: Mr. Jonathan Capehart, Editorial Board Member, The Washington Post