Council on Foreign Relations

Brazil-EU Cyber Cooperation: Swinging Bridges on the Road to Stability in Cyberspace

March 25, 2020
Hannes Ebert
Louise Marie Hurel
1 min read
Photo Credit: Metamorworks / Shutterstock
The February 20 Brazil-EU Cyber Dialogue signaled the most recent step taken by Brasília and Brussels to collaborate on advancing responsible state behavior in cyberspace.

The February 20 Brazil-EU Cyber Dialogue signaled the most recent step taken by Brasília and Brussels to collaborate on advancing responsible state behavior in cyberspace. While there have sometimes been differences in the two parties' approaches to this challenge, their cooperation is crucial in the current geopolitical climate where cyber threats will continue to proliferate.

On February 20, the European Union (EU) hosted Brazil for the second official Brazil-EU Cyber Dialogue in Brussels. The meeting signaled an attempt by Brasília and Brussels to coordinate their efforts to advance responsible state behavior in cyberspace, as actors like China and Russia derail progress on international cybersecurity in the United Nations (UN) Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG) and the Group of Governmental Experts (GGE).

Even though many differences remain in how Brasília and Brussels approach a global normative framework, bilateral efforts such as the Dialogue have helped develop a strategic cyber partnership between Brazil and the EU. This can help Brazil and the EU overcome differences, project their influence as aspiring global cyber powers, and more effectively pursue their shared interest of establishing a rules-based order in cyberspace.