The Hindustan Times

A Blueprint For Dealing With President Trump

February 24, 2020
1 min read
Photo Credit: Drop of Light/ Shutterstock
Feed his vanity, deepen convergence on China, ensure pressure on terror, point out costs of the U.S. trade policy

Feed his vanity, deepen convergence on China, ensure pressure on terror, point out costs of the U.S. trade policy

Since February 11, when it was formally announced, there has been a buzz about the visit of U.S. President Donald Trump to Ahmedabad, Agra and Delhi, which starts today.

This is not just due to his erratic, vain and headline-attracting personality, comments and tweets. Nor is it only because of the U.S.’ global heft or the established importance of the bilateral political, economic, technological and defense cooperation dimensions of the relationship. It is also because the people-to-people linkage is among the strongest elements of the relationship, and captures the imagination of aspirational India.