The Marshall Memorial Fellowship program consists of six months of distance learning and 24 days of transatlantic first-hand experience. The first phase prepares the fellows to explore opportunities for transatlantic collaboration, while the second brings them in contact with leaders across sectors to hear their perspectives, strategies, and best practices and develop a comprehensive understanding of transatlantic trends, alongside an influential network. The majority of the program is a group program, but fellows also have the opportunity to pursue personal interests through individual appointments with leaders they approach. Below you may find the itineraries for this fellowship cycle.

Fall 2016 Marshall Memorial Fellowship Program

American Fellows:

October 19 - October 22: Washington, DC

October 22 - October 26: Brussels, Belgium

October 26 - 31: Copenhagen, Denmark; Freiburg, Germany; Lübeck, Germany

October 31 - November 4: Athens, Greece; Barcelona, Spain; Marseille, France

November 4 - 9: Belgrade, Serbia; Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Sofia, Bulgaria

November 9 - November 13: Berlin, Germany

European Fellows:

October 17 - October 22: Washington, DC

October 22 - 27: Chicago, Illinois; Cleveland, Ohio; Detroit, Michigan

October 27 - November 1: Atlanta, Georgia; Chattanooga, Tennessee; West Palm Beach, Florida

November 1 - 6: Houston, Texas; Phoenix, Arizona; San Antonio, Texas

November 6 - November 9: New York City, NY

Spring 2017 Marshall Memorial Fellowship Program

American Fellows:

April 19 - April 22: Washington, DC

April 22 - April 26: Brussels, Belgium

May 1 - 5: Bilbao, Spain; Rome, Italy; Thessaloniki, Greece

May 5 - 10 : Bucharest, Romania; Budapest, Hungary; Warsaw, Poland

May 10 - May, 14: Paris, France

European Fellows:

April 17 - April 22: Washington, DC

April 22 - 27: Baltimore, Maryland; Boston, Massachusetts; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

April 27 - May 2: Anchorage, Alaska; Rapid City, South Dakota; Spanish Fork, Utah

May 2 - 7: Los Angeles, California; Portland, Oregon; Seattle, Washington

May 7 - May 10: New York City, New York

Fall 2017 Marshall Memorial Fellowship Program

American Fellows:

October 4 - October 6: Washington, DC

October 7 - October 11: Brussels, Belgium

October 11 - 16: Cologne, Germany; Hamburg, Germany; Lübeck, Germany

October 16 - October 20: Athens, Greece; Bilbao, Spain; Naples, Italy

October 20 - October 25: Belgrade, Serbia; Sofia, Bulgaria; Tirana, Albania

October 25 - October 29: Paris, France

European Fellows:

October 2 - October 7: Washington, DC

October 7 - 12: Chicago, Illinois; Cleveland, Ohio; Detroit, Michigan

October 12 - October 17: Atlanta, Georgia; Durango, Colorado; Portland, Oregon

October 17 - October 22: Houston, Texas; Phoenix, Arizona; San Antonio, Texas

October 22 - October 25: New York, New York

Spring 2018 Marshall Memorial Fellowship Program

American Fellows:

February 26 - March 2: Washington, DC

March 3 - March 7: Brussels, Belgium

March 7 - March 12: Amsterdam, the Netherlands; Copenhagen, Denmark; London, United Kingdom

March 12 - March 16: Barcelona, Spain; Podgorica, Montenegro; Turin, Italy

March 16 - March 21: Bratislava, Slovakia; Bucharest, Romania; Warsaw, Poland

March 21 - March 25: Berlin, Germany

European Fellows:

February 26 - March 3: Washington, DC

March 3 - March 8: Baltimore, Maryland; Boston, Massachusetts; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

March 8 - March 13: Anchorage, Alaska; Spanish Fork, Utah; Rapid City, South Dakota

March 13 - March 18: Los Angeles, California; San Francisco, California; Seattle, Washington

March 18 - March 21: New York, New York