Marcus Lippold is Team Leader Green Deal Ukraine Service and a guest lecturer for Energy Economics & Energy Policy at the Nuertingen-Geislingen University of Applied Sciences. From 2015 to 2019 he was Corporate Planning Manager for Europe & Russia for Saudi Aramco in London.

Prior to that, he served as Vice President for corporate strategy for MOL Group in Budapest and was a deputy member of the Executive Board of FuelsEurope. From 2008 to 2013 he worked for the European Commission as Coordinator for EU International Energy Relations. Preceding this, Marcus spent 17 years working internationally for ExxonMobil in the areas of Financial Reporting & Planning, IT Systems, and Marketing & Business Analysis with management positions held in Europe and the USA. He is a member of Chatham House and several advisory boards and co-author of “Energy Policies of IEA Countries Review“ for Greece and the UK, amongst others.