Brussels Forum Session: The Economic Counteroffensive: Rebuilding Ukraine

Dorothy Swann McAuliffe was appointed by President Joe Biden to lead the Office of Global Partnerships as special representative in the United States Department of State. Her office directly supports the Biden Administration’s commitment to US global leadership by assembling public-private partnerships to advance key national security and foreign policy priorities.

Among the specific aims of such collaboration are to spearhead new technology and innovation; support entrepreneurship and economic development; combat climate change and strengthen energy security; promote gender equity and human rights; and counter malign influence across the globe. Special Representative McAuliffe has forged these partnerships by engaging a diverse set of stakeholders including civil society, business, non-profit, diaspora, academic, philanthropic, faith-based, and other private sector leaders.

Prior to her appointment by President Biden, she served as the national policy advisor for Share Our Strength and the No Kid Hungry Campaign, where she worked with the private sector to build partnerships to end child hunger and advance equity in public education. As first lady of Virginia, McAuliffe founded and chaired Virginia’s Council on Bridging the Nutritional Divide, a groundbreaking initiative that forged cross-sector, public-private collaboration to improve childhood nutrition and build food access initiatives.