About this event


  • Nicolas Bouchet, Editor and Visiting Fellow, The German Marshall Fund of the United States
  • Julia Ganter, Editor of The Berlin Pulse and Program Manager, Körber-Stiftung


  • Matthew Delmastro, The German Marshall Fund of the United States

Writing is easy. All you have to do is cross out the wrong words,” said Mark Twain back in the 19th century. But what words are the wrong ones? And much more than just words, how can sentences be pieced together to form a coherent and powerful argument? In today’s policy world, think tanks, foundations and research organizations rely on editors to ensure that publications are clear, compelling, and policy relevant. But what does the work of an editor actually look like on a day-to-day basis? What principles guide them in their editorial decisions? And, through the eyes of an editor, how does one produce a meaningful and impactful piece of policy writing? At this Ask Me Anything Session with two editors from different organizations, we invite you to join us and ask any questions you have ever had about the writing or editing process, while learning more about the essential role editors play in the policy world.

Join us for a lively exchange, fresh ideas, and new contacts! #GMFYTN