About this event

Two months after the publication of Thomas Kleine-Brockhoff’s book, The World Needs the West—A Fresh Start for a Liberal Order, the German Marshall Fund in cooperation with the Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft organized the official book launch at Deutsche Bank in Berlin on November 29, 2019. In her opening remarks Anna Herrhausen, managing director of the Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft, said that her objective was to inspire the audience to read the book, and hopefully also to motivate the guests to contribute to society in line with a “robust liberalism.”

Friedrich Merz, former chairman of Atlantik-Brücke commented on the book in a keynote speech and stated that “this is a necessary book in a difficult time.” In the following panel discussion he stressed that he is and continues to be confident, because this book says “People, there has been one wake-up call, several wake-up calls! This European Union must now set priorities, and we must concentrate on essential issues, and we must demand of ourselves that we want to achieve them. I will put it in this simplified formula: G2 or G3? G6, G7, G8, G20—all of it will hardly play a role anymore.” Constanze Stelzenmueller, Kissinger c hair at the John W. Kluge Center at the Library of Congress and senior fellow at Brookings, argued that the current challenge is to self-critically look at the machinery of the liberal world order and “consider what remains, what needs to be repaired, and what needs to be reinvented, as we engaged in liberal overreach in the past, thinking that our brothers and sisters after 1989 would just need to become like us.” Christiane Hoffmann, diplomatic correspondent of Der Spiegel moderated the discussion.  


Kleine-Brockhoff: Die normativen Grundlagen des Westen sind unangetastet - Attraktivität & Wirksamkeit von Freiheit & Wohlstand bleiben bestehen.

Dennoch erleben wir eine tiefe Vertrauenskrise, wenn unsere verunsicherte Außenpolitik auf einer verunsicherten Innenpolitik basiert. pic.twitter.com/IUsBZi5bwA

— Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft (@AHG_Berlin) November 29, 2019

T. Kleine-Brockhoff: Wir haben vor 30 Jahren geglaubt, dass Politik in Berlin gemacht wird, wo die Mauer fiel - und nicht in Peking, wo die Panzer rollten. Doch heute erkennen wir die zwei historischen Linien... @ConStelz @_FriedrichMerz @gmfus @AHG_Berlin pic.twitter.com/Ckps9ochmF

— Claudiakhuber (@Claudiakhuber) November 29, 2019

⁦No need for resignation - ⁦@_FriedrichMerz⁩ on ⁦@gmfus⁩ KleineBrockhoff’s #TheWorldNeedstheWest with ⁦@ConStelz⁩ and ⁦@HoffHoffmann⁩ at @AHG_Berlin⁩ today pic.twitter.com/RhUW2Uux9M

— Sudha David-Wilp (@SudhaDavidWilp) November 29, 2019

In his opening remarks, GMF’s Thomas Kleine-Brockhoff cites Alfred Herrhausen, who said that “Freedom and openness that go hand in hand are not a given. The people need to fight for it. Over and over again.” #TheWorldNeedstheWest pic.twitter.com/w3ThdmRcJj

— German Marshall Fund (@gmfus) November 29, 2019

Schlussworte von Thomas Kleine-Brockhoff: Dies ist keine Zeit für einen Neo-Determinismus, es ist die Zeit zum Ärmel hochkrempeln und loslegen! pic.twitter.com/GzlyFNCyYm

— Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft (@AHG_Berlin) November 29, 2019

Einen ganz herzlichen Dank an das Panel und die Moderation für die inspirierenden und wertvollen Denkanstöße! Danke auch an alle, die zu der Buchvorstellung gekommen sind und sie durch ihre Fragen zu einer bereichernden Veranstaltung gemacht haben. #TheWorldNeedsTheWest pic.twitter.com/O1esDZq8EL

— Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft (@AHG_Berlin) November 29, 2019



Flickr Album:

The World Needs the West with Thomas Kleine-Brockhoff