About this event


  • Evelyn Regner, Chair of the Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality, MEP S&D Group
  • Samira Rafaela, Member of the Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality, MEP Renew Europe Group


  • Reta Jo Lewis, Esq., Senior Fellow and Director of Congressional Affairs, The German Marshall Fund of the United States

Against the backdrop of the impact of a global health pandemic, economic recession, continued technological developments, climate change, and democratic backsliding, the European Union must resolve its internal tensions and find its place in an increasingly fragmented world. Being able to develop a more inclusive social contract within the European Union and being a reliable strong transatlantic partner are critical to delivering sustainable progress. Fostering networks and building coalitions across party lines is one of the most sustainable ways for legislators to find solutions to complex policy issues.

Evelyn Regner (S&D, Austria) and Samira Rafaela (Renew Europe, The Netherlands) will discuss women’s leadership in critical policy areas and within the European Parliament and how they carve out cross party alliances to address some of Europe’s policy challenges. This event is part of GMF's Transatlantic Women in Politics initiative, which aims to provide a platform for women legislators to connect across party lines and nationalities.

If you have any questions, please contact Catharine Carstens at [email protected] (for U.S. participants) or Annika Vollmer at [email protected] (for EU participants).