About this event


  • Dr. Volker Weichsel, German Society for Eastern European Studies / Magazine Eastern Europe


  • Wojciech Przybylski, Visegrad Insight
  • Dr. Jörg Forbrig, German Marshall Fund of the United States
  • Dr. Franziska Brantner MdB, Alliance 90/The Greens
  • Edit Zgut, Polish Academy of Sciences

In recent years, it has become ever more apparent that the post-Cold War era of democratic reform, socio-economic development, and Euro-Atlantic integration in Central Europe is coming to an end. It is against this background of rising uncertainty that Visegrad/Insight and the German Marshall Fund of the United States launched an initiative to chart possible trajectories for the region. The “Central Europe 2025” scenario-building exercise mapped out key political, socio-economic, and international trends in order to identify potential triggers and concrete risks, and to offer policy recommendations to key stakeholders in the region and abroad.

Both organizations, together with the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the German Society for Eastern European Studies, host a public discussion on the future of Central Europe based on the “Central Europe 2025” project.