About this event

Keynote Address

  • The Hon. Dmytro Kuleba, Vice Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration, Ukraine


  • Amb. Jovita Neliupšienė, Permanent Representative of Lithuania to the EU
  • Hennadiy Maksak, Head of the Board, Foreign Policy Council Ukrainian Prism (Kyiv)
  • Kataryna Wolczuk, Associate Fellow, Russia and Eurasia Programme, Chatham House, (London)
  • Maryna Mylka-Yaroshevych, Alliance of Democracies Foundation, Brussels


  • Bruno Lete, Senior Fellow, German Marshall Fund of the United States

The presidential elections in April and parliamentary elections in July, respectively, placed in power a new president and substantially new Parliament, mainly lacking in previous political experience. There are too many unknowns to make predictions about future domestic and foreign policy, yet the expectation for internal change is high. One of the key issues experts and foreign diplomats would like to be clear about it this: will Ukraine’s policy on European integration remain unchanged, or more specifically, will reforms envisaged in Association Agreement continue. In July 2019, experts of the Ukrainian Prism analysed the programs of 12 political parties campaigning in terms of their vision of the future European integration of Ukraine. The first steps of the newly elected president Zelenskyy were also examined. The focus of the Brussels event will be a discussion on the extent to which   Ukraine’s European policy is irreversible. It will also consider if the new parliament able and willing to facilitate further reforms and how can the EU and European partners be more involved.