About this event

Featured speakers

  • Philippe Etienne, Ambassador of the French Republic to the United States
  • Emily Haber, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to the United States
  • Piotr Wilczek, Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to the United States


  • Julia De Clerck-Sachsse, Senior Non-Resident Fellow, the German Marshall Fund of the United States

 Opening remarks

  • Karen Donfried, President, the German Marshall Fund of the United States

After four tumultuous years, the transatlantic relationship is at a crossroads as the Biden administration seeks to reinvigorate American foreign policy. During his recent visit to Brussels, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken reconfirmed America's commitment to its alliances and partners, offering an opening for European allies to help shape the future of transatlantic relations. Yet, given today's multiplicity of challenges, ranging from COVID-19 to climate change to China's assertiveness, what should this revitalized transatlantic partnership look like? 

As the countries of the Weimar triangle France, Germany, and Poland celebrate the 30th anniversary of their trilateral partnership this year, they have a key role to play in shaping a revitalized transatlantic agenda. During our conversation, the ambassadors of the three Weimar countries in the United States will discuss their views on the new U.S. administration, the opportunities to jointly address today's major challenges, and the leading role the Weimar countries can play in strengthening transatlantic relations.

If you have any questions, please contact Boris Kowalski at [email protected].