About this event


  • Bret Schafer, Media and Disinformation Fellow for the Alliance for Securing Democracy
  • Laura Rosenberger, Director for the Alliance for Securing Democracy and Senior Fellow for the German Marshall Fund of the United States
  • Zachary Cooper, Director for the Alliance for Securing Democracy and Research Fellow for the American Enterprise Institute


Join GMF's Alliance for Securing Democracy (ASD) experts Bret Schafer, Laura Rosenberger,Zack Cooper, and Axios’ Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian to discuss narratives and long-term trends in China’s information manipulation efforts, including shifts in messaging and disinformation tactics during the coronavirus pandemic. Attendees will have the opportunity to interact with the panelists on these topics in a question and answer portion of the webinar.

On Monday, March 30, ASD will launch an expanded Hamilton 2.0 that tracks Chinese government-backed information operations on social media, state-sponsored information websites, YouTube, and via official diplomatic channels. This expansion builds on ASD's ongoing efforts to track Russian state-backed information operations on the Hamilton 2.0 dashboard.

See ASD’s latest Hamilton analysis and coronavirus work here.

We invite you to join us via webinar. You may register by clicking this link.

If you have any questions, please contact Christina Revilla at [email protected].