About this event


  • George Kent, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, U.S. Department of State


  • Jonathan D. Katz, Senior Fellow, The German Marshall Fund of the United States

Please join the German Marshall Fund’s Frontlines of Democracy Initiative and Black Sea Trust for a timely virtual briefing with DAS George Kent focused on United States engagement in Eastern Europe. The briefing with DAS Kent will focus on current political, economic, and security challenges in Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan and U.S. efforts to support partners in these regions as they grapple with the immediate and long-term challenges and fallout of the coronavirus. The U.S. State Department, USAID, and other parts of the U.S. government have been quick to respond to the ongoing threat of the coronavirus while also maintaining a focus on regional challenges, including the risks posed by the Kremlin, Beijing, and other malign actors both internal and external. We look forward to a conversation with DAS Kent that will touch on U.S. interests and continued effort to provide support during the pandemic crisis. The briefing is also an opportunity to better understand U.S. policy shifts in regions that faces significant old and new challenges that already impacting these countries future trajectories, including relations with Washington and the transatlantic community.

Due to concerns about the coronavirus and in order to enable a wider audience to participate in this discussion, we invite you to join us via webinar. You may register by clicking this link.

If you have any questions, please contact John Alexander at [email protected].