About this event


  • Anneli Ahonen, Head, East Stratcom Task Force, European External Action Service
  • Noah Barkin, Senior Visiting Fellow, The German Marshall Fund of the United States
  • Kristine Berzina, Senior Fellow, Alliance for Securing Democracy, The German Marshall Fund of the United States


  • Peter Chase, Senior Fellow, The German Marshall Fund of the United States

As regular life in Europe comes to standstill to fight the coronavirus pandemic, European leaders have more than the virus to fight. Russia and China are manipulating information and promoting their own interests, contributing to what the EU’s External Action Service calls a “global battle of narratives.” Foreign authoritarian regimes are increasingly using information manipulation, cyber operations, malign finance, and other hostile actions to destabilize democracies.

Europe’s early lack of unity in addressing the crisis has given these regimes an opening to fray the bonds between European states and between citizens and their governments. While the tactics coming from Russia reuse a now-familiar playbook, the coronavirus crisis is bringing to light new tools from Beijing for manipulating our democracies.

Please join the German Marshall Fund of the United States for a webinar on Russia’s and China’s interference during the coronavirus crisis with analysis from the European External Action Service, GMF’s Brussels and Berlin-based experts, and the Alliance for Securing Democracy (ASD), an initiative housed at GMF. The webinar will feature a new report from EEAS and two new products from ASD, a report on how to conceptualize foreign interference in Europe and a new interactive tool that monitors narratives spread by the information apparatuses of Moscow and Beijing. The discussion will present similarities and differences in approaches coming from Russia and China.

To register, please click here and fill your information on the registration page.

If you have any questions, please contact Etienne Soula at [email protected].