About this event


  • Alexandra de Hoop Scheffer, Director of Research and Transatlantic Security; Director, GMF Paris Office
  • Bruno Lété, Senior Fellow, Security and Defense, GMF Brussels Office
  • Jan Techau, Director, Europe Program; Senior Fellow, GMF Berlin Office


  • Derek Chollet, Executive Vice President and Senior Advisor for Security and Defense Policy, GMF

The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) invites you to join us for a virtual update from Berlin, Brussels, and Paris on how communities in Europe are responding to the global coronavirus pandemic. Senior GMF experts will provide local perspectives and share their reactions to policy debates and emergency responses in their respective countries and across Europe.

Due to concerns about COVID-19 and in order to enable a wider audience to participate in this discussion, we invite you to join us via webinar. Please register to join the conversation and take part in the Q&A with the panelists. 

If you have any questions regarding the event, please contact Itai Barsade at [email protected].