About this event


  • Maia Sandu, Leader, PAS Party and former Prime Minister, Republic of Moldova
  • Ion Sturza, former Prime Minister, Republic of Moldova
  • Valeriu Pasha, Community Manager, WatchDog.MD


  • Jonathan Katz, Senior Fellow, Frontlines of Democracy Initiative The German Marshall Fund of the United States
  • Stela Leuca, Fellow, The German Marshall Fund of the United States

The German Marshall Fund of the United States and its Frontlines of Democracy Initiative invite you to a special webinar briefing focused on Moldova’s response to the growing health, economic, and societal challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic. Like many nations globally, Moldova’s short and long-term future is imperiled by the coronavirus. Panelists will provide their thoughts on how a beleaguered Moldova can best address the coronavirus threat and how reform backsliding and political infighting is impacting the pandemic response as well as Moldova’s economy, democracy and upcoming presidential election scheduled for November. Speakers will also look at steps necessary to get Moldova back on its democratic and Euro-Atlantic track, address dire economic needs, fight corruption, and counter internal disinformation and from external actors, including Russia and China.

The event is intended for a limited audience, and the discussions will be held under the Chatham House rules to ensure a candid conversation.

If you have any questions, please contact John Alexander at [email protected].