About this event


  • Dr. Hanna Shelest, Member of the Board, Foreign Policy Council “Ukrainian Prism”
  • Anna Korbut, Academy Robert Bosch Fellow, Chatham House


  • Jonathan Katz, Senior Fellow, The German Marshall Fund of the United States

Please join the German Marshall Fund of the United States and Foreign Policy Council “Ukrainian Prism” for an in-depth discussion on the results of Ukraine’s April 21 Presidential elections and expectations for the October Ukrainian Parliamentary Elections.

Earlier this week an overwhelming majority of Ukrainians elected comedian and political novice Volodymyr Zelenskiy in the second-round presidential elections on April 21. Following the election there are still many unknowns about his domestic and foreign policy positions – especially challenging given the ongoing conflict in Ukraine’s East and Russia’s illegal annexation of Crimea. Despite questions regarding the direction of his policies, there is an increasing expectation from the Ukrainian electorate that Zelenskiy will carry out needed domestic changes, combat corruption, and implement reforms. In Zelinsky's landslide victory, where he secured over 70% of the vote, Ukrainians are pinning their hopes on an untested leader “fairly or unfairly” to complete the reforms promised by the Poroshenko government and five years in the aftermath of the Revolution of Dignity. Questions remain, whether these expectations will turn into policies, whether Zelenskiy’s team will present a coherent strategy for foreign and domestic policy, and whether this new dynamic in Kyiv will create an opportunity to end the conflict in Eastern Ukraine. Western partners of Ukraine are also eagerly engaging the new President-elect and watching, along with adversaries in Moscow, if Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic democratic trajectory will accelerate or slow down.

If you have any questions or to RSVP, please contact John Alexander at +1 202 683 2608 or [email protected].