About this event


  • Şaban Kardaş, Associate Professor of International Relations, TOBB Economics and Technology University
  • Richard Outzen, Senior Advisor for Syrian Engagement, U.S. Department of State
  • Dorothée Schmid, Senior Research Fellow, Head of Turkey and Middle East Program, French Institute of International Relations (IFRI)


  • Ian Lesser, Vice President, Foreign Policy; Executive Director, Brussels, GMF

The German Marshall Fund (GMF) continues its On Turkey Conversations, a series of webinars featuring conversations with GMF's On Turkey Series authors and focusing on the most recent On Turkey Series analysis pieces, with a new session on April 17.

The advances by Syria’s regime against the opposition-controlled territory in the northwest governorate of Idlib triggered another cross-border military operation by Turkey in February. Further escalation was prevented only through a meeting between President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and President Vladimir Putin on March 5 in Moscow, rectifying the Sochi de-conflicting regime. However, the unstable equilibrium in Idlib remains more fragile than ever, and Turkey urgently needs to sustain it.

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If you have any questions, please contact Ceylan Canbilek at [email protected].