About this event


  • Laura Batalla Adam, Secretary General, European Parliament Turkey Forum
  • Galip Dalay, Richard von Weizsäcker Fellow, Robert Bosch Academy; Non-Resident Fellow, Brookings Institution, Doha Center
  • Jonathan Katz, Senior Fellow, GMF


  • Özgür Ünlühisarcıklı, Ankara Office Director, GMF

The municipal elections held in March 2019 led to a new political landscape in Turkey, one that is more diverse with new leaders and new alliances. With the coronavirus pandemic and its economic and social impact, this landscape is expected to undergo further changes, but in which direction? How will the political and voter behavior in Turkey change as a result of the pandemic? What will be the role of the breakaway parties in Turkey? And, what does all of this mean for Turkey’s troubled relations with Europe and the United States?

Due to concerns about the coronavirus and in order to enable a wider audience to participate in this discussion, we invite you to join us via webinar. You may register by clicking this link

If you have any questions, please contact Ceylan Canbilek at [email protected].